Product Education

In late 2018, VMware decided to merge two of it's most prominent products, Agent and Workspace One. The new product, called Hub, brought forth a host of challenges for the UX team to solve. One challenge I personally decided to take on was educating the user of the new product's features and brand.

Platform                                 Support

Android, iOS                            2018 - Present


User Flow Wires

The user will launch the new product, Hub, after being notified through a system push notification. The notification will let the user know that "Agent is now Hub", and to check out the new features.


Final Implementation

Striving for retention and follow through, I wanted to include delight in this flow. The thought of having the old product icon transform into the new product icon would be an effective way if incorporating visual interest, without implementing arbitrary animation.


Flow for "Web"

There was also a need to use this flow in one of our other products. Web. Web is our secure web browser and it got a new logo and a name change. This required some further education for the user, in which we created another animation and informational onboarding screen.
