
Over the course of my design career, I have seen the importance of understanding how interaction can elevate a design solution. I have used prototyping interactions for multiple reasons. Whether it be to showcase a solution, to get buy-in from stakeholders, or to better understand the problem at hand, putting a design into motion has helped me move projects forward with purpose. Below is a collection of designs in motion that have been used in all use cases.

Mail List View Settings

In this scenario, the user is able to customize the way their email list view is displayed. There are multiple options, like whether the user would like to see avatars, how many lines of the email content they would like to see, and how they wanted their email sorted. This was a prototype to show how these settings would be applied.

Files Interactions

Files is an application that lets an administrator push content down to there employees. This lets the employee have the freedom of using their own device, while still having access to corporate, classified documents. These prototypes were used to gain buy-in on an application redesign, as well as to help us visualize problems we foresaw.  

Card Flows

The "Approve" product concept was designed to give managers and admins quick access to actionable items. The idea was to push imperative items to the top of the feed and allow the user to quickly take action on those items. It was a necessity to visualize these card interactions when in the early stages of this concept. These are some flows I prototyped to get a better idea of the scope of this project.